Running Man is a South Korean variety show; a part of SBS’s Good Sunday lineup, along with Barefooted Friends. It was first aired on July 11, 2010. This show was classified as an “urban action variety”; a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows focused in an urban environment. The MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win the race. The show has since shifted to a more familiar reality-variety show concept focused on games. It has garnered attention as being the come-back program for Yoo Jae-suk, the main MC of the program, after leaving Good Sunday’s Family Outing in February 2010. Airing at the 5 pm KST time slot for most of its run, Running Man switched to the second part of Good Sunday beginning May 6, 2012, airing after Kim Byung-man’s Law of the Jungle 2 at 6:10 pm and airing against KBS2 Happy Sunday’s 1 Night 2 Days Season 2 and MBC Sunday Night’s I Am a Singer 2.
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Please what about episode 432??
Pls what about episode 327
Pls what about ep 460?
Still waiting for 506
Still waiting for ep 511 pls
What about ep 554