Based off Gu Man’s very popular internet novel, the story tells of a kind hearted young girl who works at a big conglomerate. However one of her weaknesses is eating, she loves to eat, and so upon discovering this her boss decides to intentionally fatten her up; she just so happens to share the same blood type as his sister, and thus has the motive of making her the blood donor. Hence comedy ensues as she melts his heart with her exceptional appetite and her cute charm.
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Hello admin, please can you post new links for this movie. I really want to watch it….
Admin fix this link please also other series like this also av bad links kindly fix dm also
will check up on it and pls any other series with bad links kindly drop a comment as you have done to this one
Admin this links still haven’t been fixed,what’s then the point in commenting if ones complaints won’t be worked upon